
Showing posts with the label online facial courses

6 Things Everyone Should Know About Dermaplaning

The growing popularity and increasing buzz about dermaplaning have naturally resulted in an uptick in curiosity and interest. That interest is certainly warranted, as many fans of the treatment swear by its benefits. If you’re among those who are curious about dermaplaning or are considering trying it, there are a few basics worth knowing. For example, why your treatment should be from a professional esthetician who’s completed well-regarded dermaplaning classes . The benefits could be considerable. What Dermaplaning Is Basically, dermaplaning is an exfoliating skin treatment that is also sometimes called blading or microplaning. It involves the use of an exfoliating blade to skim away the top layers of dead skin cells and hair, primarily vellus hair (peach fuzz). This exfoliating procedure is acclaimed by its fans for instantly revealing a luminous, radiant-looking complexion. What Dermaplaning Does for You The benefits that a professional esthetician equipped with a quality derma

4 Ways Dermaplaning Can Improve Your Skin This Holiday Season

Fall is finally here, meaning the crisp, colder holiday season weather isn’t too far behind. While the holidays can be jolly and joyous, their effect on your skin can be anything but. Lower temperatures and humidity levels pull much-needed moisture away from your skin, and harsh winter winds can worsen the issue, leading to cracked or even bleeding skin. Thankfully, you can use methods like a dermaplaning kit to help give your skin its best, most rejuvenated glow. From its ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles to its exfoliating effects, here are a few reasons you should do more for your skin this holiday season with dermaplaning. Reduce the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles As some of the most noticeable signs of aging, fine lines and wrinkles are often among the first things people try to cover or hide with their skincare routines. As we age, our skin loses the elasticity and collagen that give our faces shape, structure, and the ability to make our facial muscles move and

What is Dermaplaning, and Should Your Spa Offer It?

Dermaplaning has skyrocketed in popularity. Whether it’s Instagram videos of successful before and afters, or research of their own, your clients are most likely asking about it. If you don’t already offer it as a service, it might be time to consider if it’s a good fit for your clientele. From dermaplaning classes to what tools you will need, here is what estheticians need to know about dermaplaning.  Professional Dermaplaning Tool What Is Dermaplaning? The short version is that dermaplaning uses a sharp surgical scalpel to delicately scrape away the top layer of facial hair, vellus hair - also known as peach fuzz - and dead skin cells that trap dirt and oils. Despite using a scalpel, it’s a gentle procedure with a low chance of irritating your client’s skin. It won’t cause dryness, either, and side effects are often minimal or none. This gives it a significant advantage over chemical exfoliants and facial wax for clients with sensitive skin. What Kind of Skin Types Can Try Dermapl